2021 Recap
/If there was one thing that I couldn’t do in 2021, it was be consistent with posting anything on this blog. Overall, 2021 had a mix of good and bad times that really had my mind all over the place. Adam got Covid last January and from there things were just happening. I had to move out of my apartment, Adam’s mom got sick and unfortunately she passed away and things went downhill from there. It’s been an emotional rollercoaster, but we made it to 2022.
Don’t get me wrong, even with the bad, we did have some great times. Adam and I moved in together, we went to Miami twice, traveled to Jamaica for our birthdays, and enjoyed my brother’s wedding Mexico.
One thing that did flourish last year was my Tik Tok account: @cindyesperanza327 . Out of nowhere I gained 17K+ followers from posting a funny dancing video of Adam and since then Tik Tok has helped bring some fun to my life and allow me to be creative.
I was looking through some pictures and videos of the past year and I put together a short recap on my Tik Tok. See the video below to get a glimpse of the good times. I do want to move forward with some positivity which will lead me into my next post about the vision board I created for 2022.