BITE Lip Lab
/You guys TODAY is my 25th BIRTHDAY!!!! Thank you for all the early birthday wishes, but today is the actual day. I had the best "PRE-Birthday" Celebration this past weekend. My best friend Myoshi surprised me with a reservation at the BITE LIP Lab in New York (SOHO) ! For anyone who doesn't know what this place is, you get to experience making your own lip color in either creme, matte, gloss finishes. Honestly, I never even knew a place like this existed.
It took me a little while to actually calm down because I was really surprised. I had no idea where we were going. The only thing Myoshi told me was to dress nice but comfortably and that we will be sitting down. Honestly, I thought we were going to a damn concert lol So you can imagine the look on my face when we pulled up. It's right next to a little grocery store so I was like uhhh where are we? lol 😅
When you first walk in, each station has a stool and ringlight mirror in front of it. On the opposite side of the counter is the expert who will be assisting you in making the colors. Once we sat down, we had to use their makeup remover to clean off our lips from any color we had prior. From here we used the AGAVE Lip Scrub to exfoliate our lips. After that sinks it, you rub it off and use an applicator to put a lip moisturizer. From here, you can get started on deciding what colors you want to mix for your desired look. At first I was leaning towards a glossy finish, but I decided on choosing a MATTE lip. Normally matte colors seem a bit dry, but these colors were really moisturizing.
Myoshi's Swatches
My Swatches
Myoshi ended up choosing a nice brownish mustard color and a burnt orange. They were super cute! Here are pictures of our swatches the expert was making for us. The swatches with the hearts are the ones we chose. Below, are the 2 colors I decided on! They are definitely out of my comfort zone but I really wanted to try something besides my normal shades of pink.
Which one do you guys like best on me ?
Navy Blue - "Dose of Cin"
Violet - "Twenty5"
After deciding on the colors, we had to pick the scents. I instantly fell in love with the "Citrus Mango" and "Cherry" scents. You can choose to pick a scent for each lipstick or you can mix the scents together and apply it to both. I wanted to mix both scents because the smell was sooooo good. Myoshi decided on the "Citrus Mango" as well and "Vanilla" scent. She didn't want to mix the two. So, she let the expert just pick a scent for each color.
The final step is to name your lip color! It was pretty fun thinking of cute names for our lipsticks. It made me think of how celebrities create names for their own makeup products. Naming a lipstick is harder than you think! lol I chose to name the Navy Blue - "Dose of Cin" and the Violet - "Twenty5". Myoshi helped me with the name for the Violet one because my mind literally went blank. As for her colors, she named the Mustard - Oshilinda (which is a nickname her Grandma calls her) and the Burnt Orange - "True Mimi".
As you name your lipsticks, the blended colors are placed in this holder to mold them together. This platform "chills' the product. After 15 minutes, the expert is able to place a container over it and just like that you have a lipstick!
From this experience, you walk away with your 2 lipsticks, a lip scrub and moisturizer. And the best part is that you will have the option to repurchase the lipsticks you just made from their website at any time. How cool is that!
This was really a great experience and I'm happy my best friend planned something this amazing. It was definitely a great way to celebrate my 25th birthday. Thank you again Myoshi!