DIY: Hair Mask
/First things first shoutout to Gina (@as_told_by_g) ! I’m only starting off this way because she would cut me if I didn’t haha. She put me and Esraa on this Mayonnaise mask! I’m not sure if I mentioned this in any previous posts but Gina and Esraa are sisters and I met them at Rutgers. They were my college roomies for our senior year and we’ve been friends since. But now that we are all up to speed, so Esraa and I have been complaining about our curls for weeks. Like honestly I don’t know why my curls just don’t work. I put product in it and it remains completely dry and stringy. I have personally cut off any dead ends I see in my hair but for the most part my curls just aren’t how they used to be. I thought the products I was using were too heavy for my hair, but according to Gina I need to deep condition and do hair masks to help soften and moisten my hair texture. I can admit that I rarely ever do either of the two. Most of the time I’m in a rush when I wash my hair and I diffuse it directly after applying product. So, I took her advice and tried both.
For deep conditioning, I use Aussie products. I was already using the shampoo and conditioner from that line which I love. In the picture above is their hair milk detangler and deep conditioner that you can use as a leave in. I made sure to do this first and allow my hair to air dry. I wanted to clear up any build up from previous products before doing the hair mask.
Now, this mask doesn’t have the best smell but I can say it really helped bring shine to my hair. You just need to mix mayonnaise, eggs and any hair essential oils. I had Jojoba Oil at home so I used that in the mixture. Focus on the yolk in the eggs to get softer hair. The egg whites you can use as a face mask. Don’t mind my face in this picture. The mask just smells like mayonnaise lol. And putting it in your hair feels gross. Make sure once all your hair is covered that you put a shower cap or saran wrap to seal in the moisture. I left this mask on for about 30 mins before I washed it out.
Mood because it stinks 🤢
Happy because my hair is straight
After removing the hair mask, I deep conditioned again and my hair felt soooooo soft! I did this mask 2 times in the same week and I’m liking the results so far. My hair is straight right now but I can still see the shine and feel the softness in my hair. I will definitely do this more often.
Let me know if you tried this mask and what your results were like.
Also, are there any other hair masks you guys recommend? Maybe for hair growth! I want inches! lol