How To Grow Long Healthy Hair | Natural Curly Hair Journey
/I put a poll on my Instagram asking my followers what YouTube video I should post next. I had them choose between a video on “How To Start a Blog” and “How To Grow Longer Hair”. I was shocked to see that the responses ended in a draw! For me that’s great, because the topics I ideally want to cover are ones you are interested in.
So, I’m starting off with this hair post. I mainly thought it would be beneficial to talk about my hair first because I don’t discuss it often enough on here and recently I have received lot of questions on it. Also, I’ve been on my curly hair journey for years and I want to share it with you. I really want waist length hair and I know it’s possible!
I hope you enjoy the video above, I inserted a couple of old photos so you guys can see how much my hair has changed over the years. I share my tips that have been working to get my hair longer and healthier.
November 2010
I also refer to one of my old hair posts in this video about using a DIY Hair Mask. If you want to read that post just click below:
First things first shoutout to Gina (@as_told_by_g) ! I’m only starting off this way because she would cut me if I didn’t haha. She put me and Esraa on this Mayonnaise mask! I’m not sure if I mentioned this in any previous posts but Gina and Esraa are sisters and I met them at Rutgers.