12 Days Post-Op
/In my last post, I mentioned that I recently had my 4 wisdom teeth extracted. Let me just quickly share an update on the healing process. The antibiotics and medication I was taking only lasted for 7 days. Aside from the pills, I still have to continue using the medicated oral rinse/mouthwash. Here are some things to expect, even after a week I haven’t been able to use dental floss because I still can’t open my mouth all the way. So in the meantime to ensure I don’t get food stuck in my mouth or in between my teeth I started using a waterpik/water floss. For me, the numbing lasted so many days that I didn’t actually try to eat any solid foods until 11 days Post-Op. And even as I started to incorporate solid foods back into my diet, like chicken and rice, I have to cut my food in very small piece to fit it in my mouth. I still haven’t attempted to drink with a straw. I have just been very cautious because I don’t want to disrupt any of the healing process. I also went back to the gym today to walk on the treadmill. I think my biggest challenge now with my dental hygiene routine is that I want to use my electric toothbrush and dental floss so bad but I want to wait a little bit longer to make sure I don’t irritate my gums in any way. Overall, I would say I would never want to experience wisdom teeth surgery again because the sickness and nausea I felt from the medication was too much for me. I could barely sleep for the first week.