Keep your smile bright
/We’re all adults here. Be truthful and think about when was the last time you’ve been to the dentist. Up until about 1 year ago, I haven’t step foot inside a dentist office since I had my braces removed about 15 years ago. The fear of sitting in that chair is really something I never wanted to experience again. However, in late 2022, I made a commitment to focus on scheduling routine doctor visits, dental visits, eye visits, etc. because I have procrastinated long enough and I need to take advantage of my health insurance benefits. So if you haven’t gone to make any appointments, do not be ashamed just go ahead and get it scheduled.
Now that I’ve been back to a regular dentist and have gone through deep cleanings and maintenance it’s clear that I needed to get my wisdom teeth removed before I experienced teeth crowding or cavities. Here is an x-ray of my teeth and you can see that one wisdom tooth is literally growing sideways. In theory, I could have asked to just take one out but if I eventually needed to get the others removed then I might as well do it in one shot.
The entire surgery from the numbing to getting all 4 wisdom teeth out probably took between 45 mins to 1 hour. My oral surgeon was definitely having a hard time taking out my bottom teeth which were impacted but luckily it’s done and over with. Throughout the procedure I used my beats headphones to tune out a little bit of the sound, but trust me the pressure from them scraping and puling your teeth will have you moving all in your seat. My dental assistant handed me a stress ball so I could squeeze it and I squeezed the heck out of that thing lol. Oh if you didn’t guess it already, I was awake throughout the whole thing with just local numbing and anesthesia.
Right after surgery, I went home with gauze pads in my mouth to soak up the blood. My dental office gave me a bunch of instructions to follow, some ice packs and gauze pads, and prescribed me pain medication and antibiotics that I needed to pick up at the pharmacy.
Do not underestimate how you’re going to be feeling after this surgery because everything seems fine but after 1 hour I was feeling nauseous from the amount of blood that was coming out of my mouth. I was changing my gauze pads every 20-30 mins all the way until the next morning. The only thing I was able to eat on Day 1 was an Oikos greek yogurt and Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup. I barely could open my mouth but I couldn’t take the medication without food. I also have only been drinking water so I can stay hydrated.
As I write this post I am currently on Day 3 and the left side of my tongue is still numb but the blood has stopped and I can open up my mouth a little bit wider to at least speak. I am thankful that at least my cheeks didn’t swell up like most people. I still have 3-4 days worth of medication to go through so I’m just hoping the numbness can go away and this nauseous feeling can subside so I can have at least one good day of rest. It’s MLK on Monday so I’m looking forward to a 3-day weekend of relaxation.
I’ll check back in with you guys in a couple of days to let you know how my recovery process has been going. Wish me luck!
I will end this post with some quick DOs and DON’Ts if you plan on getting wisdom teeth surgery:
Schedule a couple days off from work
Buy reusable ice packs to control swelling
Purchase extra gauze pads to control bleeding on Day 1 and 2
Use a soft bristle brush starting on Day 2
Pick up your medication/antibiotics right after your surgery and use as instructed
Stock up on quick soft foods (Mac & cheese,mashed potatoes, yogurt, ice cream, soup, etc.)
Avoid using straws
No drinking or smoking
Avoid the gym for a week
No rinsing your mouth on Day 1
Avoid eating hot or spicy food