Making A Change...
/In the past couple of months, I have made a lot of changes that I'm finally ready to post about. It is time to focus on myself. I have started going to the gym and changing up some of my horrible eating habits. I am focusing on having the best body possible.
Already 2 months have passed and I have faithfully been going to the gym 5 days a week (Sunday-Thursday) with my best friend Myoshi. Slowly but surely, I have noticed a few of my results that I wanted to share. I also wanted to mention some workouts we have been doing that might get you guys motivated as well. I am certainly not a "Gym Rat" nor do I know how to use every machine, but I also don't mind asking for help from others at the gym. I have learned a few techniques to target abs, legs and arms. A lot of workouts we do come from challenges we see on Instagram and Pinterest and trust me they work.
Ab Workout
Leg Workout
Week 1
Some of these workouts can seem hard in the beginning but if you push through it each time you will see results. Also try to switch up your routine from time to time. Doing a single workout consecutively will not be as effective if your muscles get used to the same motion. Try adding weight lifting to your workout. Cardio is good but losing weight or even toning is about working every single part of your body. Soon I will also be posting my eating habits which have just as much of an impact on my body transformation.