Quarantine and Build
/Woosah! I really need to woosah because with the amount of craziness that is going on in the world I need to relax. I wanted to write this post before I share some pictures from my Dubai trip. So let’s talk about it! Coronavirus has the world shook! Every country right now is just at a standstill waiting to hear what the new protocols are and how we are going to persevere through this pandemic.
Airport vibes
First, I was a little upset about it ruining my birthday plans but Myoshi and Adam made my birthday special along with my other friends. I can’t even complain about it, but this lock down has me more worried about how society will be able to function normally again.
People are afraid to go outside because of how contagious this virus is. You may not have any symptoms, but it doesn’t mean the virus isn’t present. I can’t even see my parents which is the worst thing because I don’t want to risk getting them sick. Also, it truly breaks my heart to even think about the people who are struggling to make ends meet right now with the increase of unemployment rates, business closures, and economy shift.
Originally, the plan was for everyone to stay home for 2 weeks to avoid spreading the virus. Then, this turned into an additional week and now it’s extended for an entire month (April 30th). You cannot leave your house unless you are buying essential items such as groceries. The only people driving should be those who hold essential jobs such as doctors, nurses, first responders, police officers, etc. Everyone else should be working from home if possible. No one has ever seen anything like this before so it just makes things even more unpredictable because we don’t know what to expect.
I’m thankful to be in a position where I can work from home and still make and save money to buy groceries and pay my bills. I’m also making sure I use my time at home as wisely as possible. I am decluttering my apartment, rearranging my room, cooking new dishes, and clearing my mind so I can come out of this with a fresh new start and mindset.
I am praying for those who are struggling during these times. We need to stay positive and continue to have faith. We’re going to hear about this in history textbooks and be able to say we survived this. Things will get better and we will come out of this with more innovative ideas and solutions to prepare us for what comes next. In the meantime, check out a video I made to help others learn more about budgeting their money.
What is the #1 thing most people think about everyday but don’t openly talk about? MONEY! We constantly pay attention to our bank accounts, what we spend, what we owe and when we are getting paid on a daily basis. It’s human nature at this point. For the most part, we all work a job that pays us decent money and if that’s not true as of right now we are working towards that.